Le Kha Phieu

Le Kha Phieu was born on December 27, 1931 at Dong Khe Commune, Dong Son District, Thanh Hoa Province. On June 19, 1949, he joined the communist Party of Vietnam. He graduated from the Military College and subsequently got a diploma on advanced studies in political science. He made his career from the grassroots and military units, directly involved in combats and served as commander at different levels at the battle fields during the nation's resistence wars in the North, Central and South of Vietnam. He also undertook international services overseas.

Between 1964 and 1993, he assumed the following posts: Regiment's Political Commissar and concurrently Commander of the Regiment, Deputy Chief of the Army's Political Department of the Second Army Corps; Deputy Political Commissar and concurrently chief of the Political Department of the Ninth Military Zone; Major-General, Chief of the Political Department and concurrently Deputy Political Commander of the 719 Front; Lieutenant-General, Deputy Chief and then Senior Lt General and Chief of the General Political Dpt of the Vietnamese People's Army.

He was elected to the Central Committee of Vietnam's Communist Party at its VII and VIII National Congresses, at the 3rd Plenum of the Party's VII

Central Committee in June 1992, he was elected to the secretariat of the Central Committee and then assigned to serve as Standing Member of the Secretariat.

At the Plenum of the Communist Party's VII Central Committee in January 1994, he was elected to the Political Bureau. Since the VIII Congress, he has servedas Member of the Steering Board of the Political Bureau and Concurrently its Standing Member. He has been a deputy to the IX and X Legislatures of the National Assembly.

At the 4th Plenum of the Communist Part's VIII Central Committee, December 26 1997, he was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Communist Party.

see interview Spring 2000

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